Micah Bemenderfer

March 9, 2023

Passage Read: Job 29-32
Meditation Verses: 31:13-15


Job understood that though he had servants, yet he was no different from them. He understood that he too was a servant of God and would be judged by how he treated others, even his slaves. He owed them justice even as he desired justice from his Master. But he owed God unquestioning obedience even as his slaves owed him unquestioning obedience. He had rights over them as his servants, even as God had rights over him. His authority and responsibilities are patterned after what he understood his duties and hopes before God to be. He was an agent of God's truth to his servants, and needed to act accordingly, as an accurate representation of God and one who would be held accountable to God for his deeds.


That is true of anyone in authority. We don't have freedom to rule or lead in whatever way we think is best, but must lead and rule in a way that reflects the character and actions of God. God expects full obedience, and we who lead should too, because we are preparing people to meet with and interact with God. We are ultimately preparing people to (ideally) walk in obedience to the Lord. Or we are preparing them to live as slaves of their wants, wishes and flesh by requiring little or nothing of them, ultimately becoming objects of wrath because they refuse to acknowledge and submit to the lordship of Christ and God. Though I will never have all authority as God does, I must faithfully represent God's rule to whatever degree of authority I have.