Micah Bemenderfer

March 8, 2023

Passage Read: Job 25-28
Meditation Verses: 28:3-4


Man goes through great and terrible effort to obtain precious gems and metals, but nowhere near the same effort to gain wisdom. Wisdom is not so difficult to find, but few seek it, because wisdom requires fearing the Lord and turning away from evil. What a shame that nothing can stop man in his pursuit of earthly treasure, but wisdom holds no value to him. So he turns mountains upside-down to gain trinkets but has little interest in saving his own soul.


I need to be most concerned and most busy with seeking and practicing wisdom. Earthly treasure had little value, nothing more than putting food on the table, and I certainly need less food than I'm taking in. But I need a whole lot more wisdom than I have yet mastered. God, help me gain wisdom, and let my people care more for wisdom than earthly riches.