Micah Bemenderfer

March 30, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 71-74
Meditation Verses: 73:1-3


How easy it is to get caught up in living just for this life. Those who care nothing about God give all their time and effort to gathering wealth or things or both, to make their lives more and more comfortable. They give little thought to God or what He desires; they may be nice to other people, but don't really care for anyone but themselves and their own people. But living for God means people have greater value than material things. We don't have to know and care about everyone in the world, but we need to be conscious and considerate of everyone we meet, everyone we come across. And our greatest concern should be their eternal destination.


There's always advertising and the example of others to draw my heart and attention to the things of this world, but like Asaph, coming into the place where God is worshiped should remind me that there is something more important than material things. God will judge all men, and anyone who has not trusted in Him will be lost to eternity. And trusting in Him does not mean praying a prayer once, but conforming our ways to God's, living for what He cares about. That's what trust really looks like; it changes how we live, from a self-focus and a here-and-now focus to a consciousness of eternity and the God who made all things. I need to continually remember that the things of God and the eternal destination of everyone I meet are the things I need to live for.