March 30, 2022
Passage Read: Psalm 63-66
Meditation Verses: 63:1-3
David wrote this while hiding from Saul in the wilderness of Judah. He was under continual threat, and there was no temple yet, only the Tabernacle, which he couldn't visit during this time. Yet he saw the Lord in all His glory and goodness, and longed for Him more than anything else. The Lord's lovingkindness was better to David than life. In all his distress, he thought of the Lord and His glory and goodness, and that sustained him. That filled him. That satisfied him.
Longing to see the Lord, to be with Him is right, it is the hope to which I've been called, but I don't actually have to wait until then to be satisfied with His presence, His glory or His lovingkindness. I can know them as surely as David did in the midst of his intense trials. I don't have his troubles