March 3, 2022
Passage Read: Esther 7-10
Meditation Verses: 8:11-12
The Lord didn't remove this trial from the people, but gave them permission to assemble and face it together. Instead of being scattered and easily overcome, they could join together and defend themselves. And God granted them success. I wonder how many Jews actually gave credit to God. He is no where mentioned in this book. The only hint that they might have prayed to Him is in the fasting, but really they could have prayed to anyone! How many Jews cried out to other gods? How many just hoped for some solution, without praying to anyone? And how many thought they succeeded without any god's help?
It is by faith that we know that what was done was done by the Lord and with His grace. Without faith it is impossible to believe in God because you don't believe there is a God. But I know, even though He is not mentioned that He worked to bring about this deliverance, even though He's not credited at all in this book. That's how it is with most of life. I can't see God and I don't hear directly from Him that He will do such and such. But I know He is working all things together for my good, both things I know and ask about, and things I don't know to ask about. He is working all things together for my good, even when it seems things are not working out at all for me.