Micah Bemenderfer

March 28, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 55-58
Meditation Verses: 56:4-6


What can the wicked do to me? They can pervert my words and say I said something I didn't say. They can watch me continually, looking for when I slip up, so that they can point it out and mock me for inconsistency. Mostly, that's all I have to worry about. It's not like anyone will come after me and try to kill me.


It is stressful having to watch my words and actions, to try to keep those who hate me from finding something they can twist and use against me. But the Lord is the real judge, and He knows my heart. If He chooses, He can protect me in this life or defend me, but in the end, for sure He will deliver me into His kingdom. I just have to endure the scrutiny and mocking of wicked men for a time.