Micah Bemenderfer

March 26, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 55-58
Meditation Verses: 58:1-3


There is a kind of man that will not heed the charmer's tune, that will not repent of their evil and submit to righteousness. We all are filled with evil thoughts from childhood, but some of us become ashamed of it and desire change; we hear of the Lord and turn to Him. But those who are wicked through and through will not change; they only go on in their sin and develop new forms of evil. There is no hope for them and they are a scourge on mankind. It is right to pray for their removal, that God would judge them sooner rather than later, that men would know that the Lord judges the earth and the righteous are still rewarded.


Fortunately, God knows those whom He has chosen, so He will not make mistakes in condemning someone He intends to bring to repentance. While we are not given the right to judge who lives and who dies (fortunately), we have the right to ask for deliverance, to ask that God would remove the wicked, especially those who are leaders or rulers or judges, who have set themselves up to define good and evil, and promote practices that are contrary to God's Word. Indeed, for the sake of my neighbors, I need to plead with the Lord to bring such people to repentance or else remove them from the face of the earth.