March 26, 2022
Passage Read: Psalm 47-50
Meditation Verses: 50:16-20
There are those who think they belong to the Lord, because they speak His Word over themselves. They know some of His sayings and claim His promises for themselves. But they care nothing for His commands, they hear what He wants and tosses it behind their backs. They refuse correction or direction or instruction. They don't want to change their ways, because they admire thieves and adulterers, and they love to speak of evil things and of doing evil. They even speak against their own brother and mother. They do not belong to the Lord! They are in for a shock when God rebukes them. The amazing thing is that God will give them a chance to repent, but if they miss it, ignore it, they will be lost.
God delights in those who seek Him, cry out to Him for help, who keep their vows and give thanks to Him. He accepts the sacrifices of those who are genuinely repentant, but those who think they can offer a sacrifice for whatever sin they commit and be clear with God, even though they already plan to do the same thing, these are lost even while they join others in worship. It is possible even that those who love Him might never need to offer sacrifice for sin because they fear and honor Him in truth. God offers these fakers a chance to repent, I too should look on them with compassion and warn them that God is not deceived.