Micah Bemenderfer

March 25, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 51-54
Meditation Verses: 52:5-7


The psalmist calls out the evil man, asking why he boasts of evil, and warning him that he will be destroyed. Then he says the righteous will see the destruction and fear, but also laugh at the man who refused to trust in God. This is shocking on the one hand because it seems like the righteous should be grieved that someone perished in their sin. But it also communicates a great confidence in the truth of the Lord, that the righteous knew he needed to fear the Lord and walk in His ways, and it was great comfort and wisdom to him. And now that he sees the destruction of the wicked, he can laugh at him because of his complete confidence in the Lord's ways.


It is very sad that a wicked man would go on in his sin, would refuse to listen to rebuke. This psalm is even surely meant to be a warning to the wicked, that he should be ashamed of his ways, because one day without doubt the Lord will overthrow him if he doesn't repent. Then the ones who believed the Lord, whom the wicked mocked in life, will laugh at the utter folly of the wicked. Really, when men laugh at me for my submission and obedience to God, I can confidently laugh at them, because I know who will win. But better to weep in their presence, like Elisha in the presence of Hazael, knowing the evil he would do.