Micah Bemenderfer

March 22, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 39-42
Meditation Verses: 39:10-11


The more sin, the more rebuke; the worse the sin, the more the rebuke; the less I listen and change, the more the rebuke. For any number of reasons, the Lord's rebuke can increase or continue. I need to be sensitive to and understand the Lord, so that I know what I'm being rebuked for, so that I can correct my ways as quickly as possible. Indeed, the more teachable and receptive I am to His ways and rebukes, the softer His rebuke will be and the quicker He can withdraw His hand. To know and love the Lord's ways is important for getting clear of His rebuke.


It helps too just to ask Him what I need to correct; He might just make it apparent. No matter what, being eager to please Him, eager to know His ways will help me through His discipline as quickly as possible. But when His discipline seems heavy, too heavy even to bear, I need to remember that His goal is never my destruction, but my repentance and salvation, because He loves me and wants to prepare me for great reward and honor.