March 2, 2022
Passage Read: Esther 3-6
Meditation Verse: 6:13
Where was this advice earlier, when Haman started casting lots to determine the day of destruction for all Jews? Where was this advice when they counseled him to build a gallows for Mordecai? These are fair weather counselors, who only see the trouble after it is too late! They set him on this path, or at least failed to warn him when there was a chance to avoid his own downfall. Haman's whole purpose was to wipe out the Jews because it was too small a thing just to kill Mordecai. They had to know from the beginning, especially with Haman's propensity to brag on himself.
I want counselors who will warm me of danger as early in a process as possible. I should also be a counselor who warns of danger as soon as I recognize it. And of course, I should never seek the destruction of my enemies, though I may pray to the Lord for deliverance or for Him to remove them in whatever way He sees fit.