Micah Bemenderfer

March 16, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 7-10
Meditation Verses: 9:19-20


Lord, if You were to arise and judge the nations, who could stand? There is no one righteous, not even one. But You have sent Your Son to pay the penalty of all those who trust in Him. Lord, men still need to be humbled. These children in all their pride need to be humbled. They need You to put Your fear in them. Let them know that they are only men, but You are God. So that they might repent and be saved, not to destroy them, but that they might see that they are nothing and You are worthy of all praise.


Lord, have mercy on these kids and rebuke their pride that they would humble themselves before You. It is the humble that You look on with compassion, but the prideful are far from You. Terrify them that they might be saved. Let not one be lost.