Micah Bemenderfer

March 15, 2022

Passage Read: Psalm 3-6
Meditation Verses: 4:3-5


The people of this world make fun of those who trust in God, and it can be wearing to have to continually put up with their mocking. But they live for lies and chase vanity, and the Lord sets apart the righteous for Himself. We who believe in Him are special to Him, He listens for our voice and answers our prayers. So when we must endure mocking, we need to remind ourselves of these things. We need to continue to fear the Lord and not the reproach of men, and continue to do what is good and right in His sight.


It can be easy to give in to the mocking of these kids, to be ashamed of my faith, but I must not be. They're just kids, what do they know! They are fools and know nothing of God. They need me to stand firm and be unashamed, that they might come under conviction and possibly repent and be saved. I need to remember that though they make fun of my faith and of me for my faith, that the Lord is real and has made me His own and listens to my cry for help. I will continue to pray for them because they need it and I am loved by God.