Micah Bemenderfer

March 14, 2023

Passage Read: Psalm 7-10
Meditation Verses: 10:12-14


Why does God not call the wicked to account right now? Why doesn't He catch them in their wickedness and rebuke them? If He wants them to repent, why does He not say anything to them, warn them, call them to repent, show them His mighty power and terrify them into repentance? Because "the righteous will live by faith"? So the wicked have the same information as the righteous, but they don't respond the same? Because He has entrusted the world and His message to us, and we are His appointed messengers? We are the ones whom He has appointed to speak, to warn the wicked? We want miraculous signs and wonders to blow away the wicked...because we'd rather not speak up? We'd rather go on about our business and let God take care of the wicked, do His own work of salvation?


And so God said, "I looked for a man among them and found none, no one who would stand in the gap." So His own arm worked salvation, but He has still stubbornly left the message of reconciliation in our hands! So that some of us can display how great He is by our submission to His commission, to make known His salvation and call all the wicked to repentance. What God has arranged not only sorts the wicked into those who will repent and those who won't, but it sorts the righteous into those who will care for others and those who will only care for themselves. I still want to pray for miraculous revival, but really, I just need to get out there and pound the pavement.