Micah Bemenderfer

March 14, 2022

Passage Read: Job 41 - Psalm 2
Meditation Verse: Psalm 2:12


The blessings of those who flee to the Son for refuge are great! Those that think they can overcome the Son, those who laugh at the Son and plot against Him are the real fools. They have no clue who they are opposing. Because they don't see Him, because they don't know Him, they are bold to set themselves against Him and plot to overthrow His established order. But those who acknowledge Him and humble themselves before Him will not just be saved, but rewarded.


There are those who mock believers in Jesus here. It is good to be tested in this way. Can I still care about those who laugh at me behind my back and even in front of my face? Can I desire their salvation rather than their destruction? Can I laugh at their feeble attempts to cast the Lord to the ground, knowing that their hopes will be completely dashed? They are terribly misguided and don't know it. They need compassion and patience, and for the Lord to open their eyes. Blessed will they be if they flee to the Lord for refuge. I need to want that for them.