March 13, 2022
Passage Read: Job 37-40
Meditation Verse: 40:8
According to God, Job justified himself and in so doing he condemned God. When we are the focus of our attention, when we define everything by our comfort and joy, then we are setting ourselves up as rulers and judges. We will in no time find that God has done things to violate our rights and our comfort and pleasure. At that point we will begin condemning God and justifying ourselves. Indeed, anytime we justify ourselves over against what God has done, we are in fact condemning God. That's why Paul tells us to do everything without complaining and arguing, it is that complaining and arguing that justifies self and condemns God.
If I believe that all things work together for good to those who love God, then why should I ever complain about even unpleasant circumstances that God brings into my life? Why should I ever argue with God or any authority over some situation or requirement that I must face? Job may not have had all the revelation of God that I do, but he was learning it, so that I could learn from him.