March 11, 2022
Passage Read: Job 29-32
Meditation Verses: 31:13-15
Though Job owned slaves, he did not consider himself better than them. He recognized that he and they alike were human and made by God, so he treated them with dignity and respect. He considered carefully their complaints against him, knowing that how he treated them would be the basis for how God treated him. He knew that God cared about his slaves as much as He cared about Job. There was no difference in God's eyes, so God would hold him to account for how he treated even slaves.
Slavery has been abolished, but this principle remains true for all who are under authority and for all who are in authority. It doesn't matter what position or authority I've been given over another, they are still created like me in the image of God. God cares as much for those at the bottom of any authority structure as He does for those at the top. And He will bring to account anyone who exercises authority over another, if they do not do so according to that truth. The one in authority should be concerned that God will treat him as he treats those under him, whether family or worker. I need to remember this.