Micah Bemenderfer

March 1, 2023

Passage Read: Esther 7-10
Meditation Verses: 9:1-2


It's like God arranged this whole thing just so the Jews could destroy their enemies. They had been living side by side with those who hated them, and there must have been an uneasy peace, or else their enemies were able to cause them trouble in small ways, not unlike the Jews in Jerusalem. But then their enemies saw the chance to destroy the Jews, thanks to Haman, and were gearing up for a great slaughter. But God turned the tables on them, as if to draw them out so as to destroy them. The Jews destroyed all who came against them, and even others joined their ranks. They were more favored in the end than before!


God allows us to be hated, if for no other reason than to draw out His enemies. He knows who they are, but everything He does is to display His glory and righteousness. So He lets His enemies prove their hostility, to reveal them to those who watch, then sometimes He overthrows them in the sight of all to show His power and might, that more would be drawn to Him. He will even allow us to participate in the overthrow of some of our enemies, to exalt His people and draw more into our community. Men understand and respect power, men are drawn by fear and awe, when God displays His might. The Jews didn't go to their neighbors and provoke them to anger, they just lived as they were supposed to live, yet people hated them. I don't need to go seeking trouble, but I am to be salt and light in my community, and that could get me in trouble.