January 8, 2025
Passage Read: Numbers 32-35
Meditation Verses: 35:33-34
We have become so "noble" so as to seldom put anyone to death for murder. We're so afraid of miscarriages of justice, of putting an innocent man to death, that we fight to abolish the death penalty. The Lord says that murder pollutes the land, and there is no way to atone for the land except by the blood of the one who committed murder. How polluted is our land now? How many murderers have been permitted to live and how much damage has it done to our land? We're so concerned about climate change, but no one is willing to consider that the land is defiled by our sin and letting murderers live out their days.
If we want to heal our land, we need to enact and enforce the death penalty for all who have been convicted of murder. We need lawyers and judges who are committed to discovering the truth rather than winning their case. And we need to offer each convicted murderer the chance to repent and receive Christ so that if we do, after due diligence, put the wrong man to death, we merely hasten his entrance into the dwelling of God. Anyone who refuses Christ does so to his own doom. Anyone who claims to care about climate change but doesn't care to repent of their sinful ways is not serious about correcting climate change and pollution.