Micah Bemenderfer

January 7, 2022

Passage Read: Judges 2-5
Meditation Verses: 2:1-2


The Israelites chose to live in peace with the remaining Canaanites rather than destroy them as God commanded. At first, they said the Canaanites were too strong for them, but they weren't too strong for the Lord. Instead, the settled side by side with the Canaanites, until they were strong enough to force them into slavery. They went from feeling incapable of removing the Canaanites to being unwilling to give up a bankable source of slave labor. And in the process, they were corrupted by the practices of the Canaanites. They were curious and then interested in the Canaanite gods and their ways. So God refused to drive them out and instead made them oppressors and tests of loyalty and trainers for war.


How like me and my battle with sin. I'm too ready to give up and settle for the victories I've already gained. Some battles seem too hard, so I put them off and learn to live with continual weaknesses. I make excuses and no longer go to war against them. And they weaken my resolve to follow the Lord, and tempt me to greater sin. Till I'm troubled so much I cry for help, and He gives it and I enjoy the victory for a time. But the next battle, no, that seems too hard, put it off...and the cycle repeats. God never intended me to settle for victory in some areas, even in many areas. He intends for me to gain victory in every area, because victory doesn't depend on my strength, but on my willingness to believe Him and obey Him and commit to loyalty to Him alone.