January 6, 2022
Passage Read: Joshua 22 - Judges 1
Meditation Verses: Joshua 24:13-15
The right response to God giving them their own country and blessing them in all these ways is to honor God by walking in His ways. That is no different from today. The right response to God saving us and giving us a better possession and a lasting one is to walk in His ways. The New Testament makes clear that believers are to walk in newness of life, in God's ways of love for one another and goodness by His standard. We're not supposed to walk in the ways of the world, but in His ways because He has saved us, given us eternal life and an eternal dwelling.
If I'm truly grateful for what the Lord has done for me, then I should be diligent to walk in a way pleasing to Him. If I'm not grateful, it's hopefully because it hasn't dawned on me how great a gift He has given me, and I should recognize it as quickly as possible. He is worthy of my obedience, He has given me a gift I can never repay.