January 4, 2025
Passage Read: Numbers 16-19
Meditation Verse: 16:3
Korah accused Moses and Aaron of appointing themselves as leaders over all Israel, but it should have been obvious to all by now that Moses and Aaron were chosen, sent and acting on the Lord's instruction! It is so common that when men under authority take a dislike to things done by those in authority, that they accuse their authorities of usurpation and illegitimacy. They organize a rebellion to claim power for themselves, not freedom from tyranny, just a change of tyrants! Moses, for his part, was just following the commands of his authority, who happened to be God. He didn't want the responsibility!
I need to guard my heart against such rebellious thoughts; they are wrong. Every authority instituted among men is appointed by God, so any rebellion against any authority is rebellion against God. Doesn't matter if the one in authority does right or wrong; they're still appointed by God. That also means that I shouldn't be surprised if men rebel against my authority. That's not cause for me to question my position, but a reminder to confirm I'm following the Lord's instruction. I must follow the Lord, but even when following the Lord, men will accuse me of arrogance, usurpation and illegitimacy. I shouldn't faint, but continue to do as God instructs.