Micah Bemenderfer

January 29, 2023

Passage Read: 1 Kings 18-21
Meditation Verse: 20:28


Elijah succeeds against the prophets of Baal, then twice the Lord gives Israel success over the Arameans, all to show Ahab that the Lord is God. Yet Ahab makes no changes. Three significant miracles and Ahab continues in his sin. Miracles won't necessarily convince a man that the Lord is God. God must open their heart to believe, and he can do that without miraculous signs. So the signs serve as much as a testimony against all those who refuse to believe. Miracles should increase the faith of the believer, might encourage some to believe, but won't change the hearts of those God doesn't otherwise touch.


As much as I'd like to see miracles happen through and in our ministry, what I need to pray more for is changed hearts, repentant hearts that humble themselves before the Lord and submit to Him. I do want miraculous healings and provision, that the Lord would have a testimony in this community of His real power, but even more, I want God to work humility and faith in the hearts of these people.