Micah Bemenderfer

January 28, 2022

Passage Read: 1 Kings 6-9
Meditation Verses: 9:6-9


The Lord accepted the house as a dwelling place for His name, but it was not the house itself that would keep the Lord and His blessing there. His continued favor and presence depended on the obedience of the kings and the people. If the kings turned away from the Lord, the Lord would not overlook it in order to protect His house. If the people turned from His ways, the Lord would not ignore for the sake of His house. He said plainly that He would abandon the house if the rulers and people turned from His ways and worshiped other gods. It was their obedience to Him that would keep Him present and cause Him to preserve the house and take care of them. The people couldn't trust in the building to maintain God's favor, but needed to trust in their obedience, their humility and repentance when they sinned, to maintain God's favor on them.


God delights in the humble and contrite who tremble at His word. They are the ones who enjoy His favor forever. They may not be perfect, but they are determined to live according to God's ways, and when they fail, they repent and correct themselves. They delight in God and in walking in His ways. If they fail to repent, then the Lord brings discipline. He doesn't reject them but will work to train them by consequences to return and do things His way. Likewise, I can't trust in buildings or names to keep God's favor on myself, but I can only trust in my obedience. If I walk in obedience to the Lord, He will not have to discipline me. If I fail and don't recognize it or stubbornly refuse to repent, then I should be prepared to suffer discipline, because the Lord wants to bring me back to His ways.