January 27, 2022
Passage Read: 1 Kings 2-5
Meditation Verse: 3:14
Solomon was enjoying the fulfillment of a promise given to David. He was king because God had promised David to build an enduring legacy for him. He wasn't king because he was so great and wise, but because of the promise to David. However, he would affirm God's promise to David and keep it going by how he responded to the Lord. If he feared the Lord and walked in His ways, God would extend his life and continue His promise to David. But if he didn't obey the Lord, his life would be cut short and the promise to David threatened. So he enjoyed a privilege he couldn't earn, but needed to walk in his father's faithfulness, the faithfulness that caused God to make that promise, in order to keep enjoying that promise for himself and for his sons.
The same is true for me: I enjoy great favor because of the obedience of Jesus Christ. I enjoy salvation and blessings I can't even fully understand. But as an adopted child of God, I need to walk in my Father's ways or else risk being cut off. Salvation is a gift, but how I respond to that gift and the kindness behind it, whether honoring God's goodness to me by obedience to His ways, or else taking it for granted and caring nothing for His ways, determines whether I will continue to enjoy that favor or be cast out. Obviously, it's only right for me to honor Him by getting to know His ways and walking in them!