January 24, 2025
Passage Read: Judges 2-5
Meditation Verses: 2:12-15
How could a generation arise that didn't know the Lord? Because they dwelt among people who worshiped other gods, and those gods didn't demand obedience, but only gifts, and allowed and encouraged fleshly desires be satisfied in worship of them. Of course that would be more attractive than a God who requires moral self-control and greater concern for neighbors than for profit. But when they disregarded the Lord, the Lord likewise disregarded them, and gave them into the hands of their enemies. So they might go out to fight, but the Lord wouldn't help them, and they would be defeated.
This is something we don't understand today, that the less we honor the Lord, the less He helps. We are a clever people and we enjoy the lingering benefits of generations before us who honored the Lord more than we do. We reduce honoring the Lord to occasional gifts and attendance at services, these are our sacrifices. We treat Him like the pagan gods who only wanted gifts and cared nothing for how their people lived day to day. But because we are surrounded by few enemies and are safely isolated in our own land, we think we're blessed by the Lord, though we barely give thought to His ways. We don't realize how close to destruction we are, and while the current administration may lead us back to traditional values and beliefs, they do not truly know the Lord. There may be a reprieve, but as in Israel, after they are removed, the next generation will become even more corrupt than previous generations. And destruction will come. Unless there is a true revival, unless the church stops comparing itself to the nations around us and starts comparing itself to the Scriptures, there can be no true revival. I too must not compare myself to good people, but to God's Word, that is the standard God calls me to live by, and by which He will judge me.