January 24, 2023
Passage Read: 2 Samuel 22 - 1 Kings 1
Meditation Verse: 2 Samuel 24:16
What provoked the Lord to punish Israel like this, so much that even He was grieved over the calamity? In spite of David's leadership, many of the people must've continued to worship other gods, or else they were not diligent to love their neighbor as themselves. Were they so prosperous that they loved the things of the world too much, forgetting the Lord and thinking they had acquired all their wealth by their own strength? Whatever the reason, it is remarkable that even the Lord became grieved over the destruction, such that He called a halt. How many disasters have occurred in history and the Lord cut them short? That is a reminder that the Lord will cut short the hostility of the Antichrist in the last days for the sake of the elect. God takes no pleasure in the destruction He allows to come on the earth to rebuke and punish those who reject Him or wander from Him.
My sin can provoke the Lord to discipline me. He takes no delight in discipline, but is willing to do what is necessary for my repentance. Better that I am sufficiently tenderhearted that a simple word of warning is enough to correct me. I need to be diligent to know and understand His heart for me, His desire for how I ought to live, and be quick to adjust myself to walk in His ways. Then He has no need to discipline me because I'm disciplining myself. Then there would be no opportunity for grief on either part. I just need to completely humble myself, give up my wants and desires for this life and give myself completely to fulfilling His wants and desires for those around me. Deny myself, take up my cross daily and follow Him.