January 21, 2025
Passage Read: Joshua 14-17
Meditation Verses: 17:16-18
Joshua is beginning to record those groups of Canaanites that were too strong for the Israelites to destroy. He also records that though they were too strong now, in time the Israelites would be strong enough to make them forced labor. In other words, they grew powerful enough to destroy them, but chose instead to enslave them. How much of their thinking was like the house of Joseph? They have iron chariots, so we can't defeat them. Joshua response is significant: though they have iron chariots and are strong, you can drive them out. Joshua trusted God; the house of Joseph appears to have only considered their own abilities, and thought them lacking. Their thinking brought them harm.
I'm like the house of Joseph when I only factor in my strength against sin. Sin seems too strong for me to defeat. But when I remember the Lord and His power, I should have great confidence to drive out my sin! The last thing I want to do is learn to live with sin, perhaps even use it to get what I want. Sin can prove very useful to get what I want! But God hates sin and wants it driven out of me. He doesn't drive it out all at once, but bit by bit. And I need to remain at enmity with sin, even if the Lord is not ready for me to tackle it. I need to hate it at all times! And when it's time to root it out, I can trust that the Lord will fight with me and give me the victory. When it comes to sin, I need to trust in the Lord and have confidence that I can and will defeat it. Rather than give up the fight before I even face it.