January 20, 2023
Passage Read: 2 Samuel 6-9
Meditation Verse: 6:22
David was accused by his wife of being undignified and shameful for how he worshiped and celebrated the Lord, but David insisted that he would gladly embarrass himself in his zeal for the Lord, and further humiliate himself. He understood that those who loved the Lord would hold him in higher honor for his abandonment to the Lord. Those who cared more about appearances would be put off, but David would celebrate with joy, unconcerned for what those people said.
There is a tension in Scripture then, because elders are supposed to be dignified, but David sets this example of willingly humiliating himself in magnifying the Lord. Of course, to those who loved the Lord, he wasn't humiliating himself. But Paul calls us to worship in an orderly manner, so it's not like we can abandon all semblance of structure. But there should be more delight in the Lord, more excitement over Him than what is often seen. There shouldn't be concern for appearance and what others might think of me. Being less of an exuberant person, I'll never approach David's celebratory dancing. But let me be consumed with zeal for the Lord's name; I do need to grow in that.