January 19, 2025
Passage Read: Joshua 6-9
Meditation Verses: 7:20-21
Achan confessed his sin and returned the things he had stolen, but that didn't remove the consequence of his actions. He still bore the death penalty, he and his whole family. Even all he had and all he'd stolen were buried with him. There is no record of anyone else taking things that were forbidden, so in that sense, Achan's example was successful. Everyone took warning and no one violated the ban again.
This may seem harsh, but only to those who want freedom to get away with sin, only to those who think disobeying God isn't that big a deal. But it is. In Achan's case, not only did he treat the Lord with contempt, as if He was nothing to be feared and he could get away with taking some of the treasure wherever he liked, but because God was offended and withdrew His aid from Israel, they couldn't defeat the Canaanites, and 36 brother Israelites lost their lives because of it. Achan confessed; did he repent and ask forgiveness from God? Then he would have been forgiven, and we'll meet him in God's kingdom, along with any of his family who trusted in God and sought His forgiveness and mercy. This life is not the most important thing, but the next matters most. Confession and even forgiveness doesn't remove punishment; punishment serves as a warning to the rest of the community, so in that way, even Achan, whether he submitted willingly or unwillingly, served the community with his death. Confession and repentance should be sought in every offense, but consequences still need to be applied, so that everyone is warned and the sin is truly discouraged. My goal needs to be to bring in the fear of God so people won't play with sin; I want forgiveness for every sinner, but also to inspire a determination to walk in obedience to God, rather than for people to be lazy and allow sin to multiply.