Micah Bemenderfer

January 19, 2023

Passage Read: 2 Samuel 2-5
Meditation Verse: 5:12


When God exalts a leader, it is for the good of his people, not just for the benefit of the leader. The leader needs to remember that good comes to him for the benefit of his people. He is their representative and their servant; he is supposed to be taking care of them and meeting their genuine needs, even when what they need is correction. He is supposed to lead them in what is good and right, and call them to follow. And blessing that comes should bring good to the people and confirm for them that they are following the right person and walking in ways that please the Lord.


I should be careful not to let kindnesses go to my head, as if it were all for me. Good things that come to and through me should benefit those who follow me. They are given by God for the good of my people, to lift them up, to encourage them and to meet needs. They are not just for me, even if I am the one most diligent to follow and honor the Lord. If I enjoy some exaltation, it is for the good of all of us. Even perhaps so that those who follow realize how much more carefully they should follow my example.