Micah Bemenderfer

January 18, 2025

Passage Read: Joshua 2-5
Meditation Verses: 2:9-12


There are two responses to the Lord's overwhelming power and authority and commitment to judge: surrender and plead for life, or tremble and hopelessly defend. Rahab saw the certainty of God's coming and surety of His victory, and she decided to beg for her life and the lives of her family. And she was granted mercy. The rest of the Canaanites trembled with fear, but refused to humble themselves. Instead, though hopeless, they would mount a defense and resist being conquered. They could have found mercy, perhaps, if they repented of their evil ways, but they didn't even consider that.


So too with the Gospel. It should be brought as the offer of peace from a conquering king: Repent, for judgment is coming on all your wicked deeds. Submit to the Lord and learn to walk in His ways, and He will grant you pardon. He has provided the basis for your pardon Himself in the sacrifice of His own Son. But if you refuse to repent, His Son will come and overthrow your kingdoms, judge your people and destroy all those who refused Him welcome. There will be two responses to such a message: some people will hear and surrender and plead for mercy, and find it; others will blow off the warning and refuse to repent, and they will be destroyed.