January 16, 2025
Passage Read: Deuteronomy 28-31
Meditation Verses: 29:2-4
With their own eyes, the Israelites saw all God's miracles and trials and wonders, but they still did not understand the Lord or the importance of trusting and obeying His Word. For all that He had shown them and done for them, still He had not given them eyes to see or ears to hear or a heart to understand. They were about to enter the promised land, and God tells Moses that they will soon completely corrupt themselves, turning away from all the Lord commanded them.
It is a true miracle for someone to hear and believe the Lord. We think it's so easy and straightforward, but it's not. It's not anything we can do for ourselves. There is an expectation that we can and should understand. The Lord has revealed so much of Himself to us, but we're so unwilling to give up our selfishness, and trust and obey the Lord. It truly takes a miracle, God opening the heart of a person to see and hear and understand. The Word is simple enough for anyone with ears to hear to understand, but it takes God opening a heart for someone to truly get it. So I need to pray for those around me and for myself, as Paul recorded in so many of his letters, praying that the eyes of believers' hearts would be enlightened. Without God's help, no one would understand.