January 16, 2022
Passage Read: 1 Samuel 13-16
Meditation Verse: 15:3
These instructions are not difficult to understand. They are very clear. But Saul chose to ignore them, or adjust them to suit the people. They wanted to spare the best of the spoil and offer sacrifices from it to the Lord. But God had said to spare nothing and no one. Saul, however, thought it good to spare the king. The problem clearly wasn't with God's instructions, but with Saul's willingness to obey. He changed God's instructions to suit himself. That is the rebellion that God hates.
I don't need to read between the lines to try to find some secret understanding from God's instructions. He is careful to say what He means and mean what He says. His instructions are not difficult to understand, they just might be hard to carry out because my flesh doesn't like the results. So I need to guard against reinterpreting God's instructions and just do what He says. Where He gives detailed instructions, follow the details. Where He gives general instructions, enjoy freedom in carrying them out, but be careful to do only what fits the character and nature of God.