Micah Bemenderfer

January 14, 2025

Passage Read: Deuteronomy 20-23
Meditation Verses: 22:21-24


Promiscuity is punishable by death, according to God. Adultery is punishable by death, whether the woman was married or pledged to be married. This is God's solution to remarriage. Death releases the remaining spouse from the law of marriage, so that he or she is free to remarry without being considered an adulterer or adulteress. But we in our compassion think such deeds are not worthy of death, so immorality proliferates and society is degraded and the concept of family is demolished. We think we're morally superior to God because of our compassion for the sinner and we find cause to reject more of what He teaches because His commands are so extreme. We make human life to be more important than God's commands, and reject His vision for our society.


These commands and consequences are not anti-woman, because both man and woman are to be put to death. These commands are actually pro-woman and pro-family, seeking to preserve and protect both. They are anti-sin and anti-anarchy. No one is free to do as they please, but everyone must submit to God and live (or be put to death) by His command. We have not made things better by overlooking promiscuity and adultery, by accepting divorce as the solution. Instead, we've made things much worse, and increasingly so. Though, again, we don't have a legal system that sees things the same way, we will when Jesus reigns. So we can't carry out these sentences, but I must condemn these sins and promote purity and the sanctity of marriage, even in this day and age.