January 14, 2022
Passage Read: 1 Samuel 5-8
Meditation Verses: 8:19-20
People always want someone else to take responsibility to govern them. They don't want to spend their own time becoming familiar with God and His ways. They want someone else to do that, and then tell them what to do, to judge between them and their neighbor and to make all the rules. But God wanted each man to know Him and His ways, yet even He recognized the laziness of the people, and He granted them their king. Sadly, only a few of their kings really sought to know the Lord and walk in His ways. Even kings weren't willing to invest sufficient time to know the Lord.
I must take responsibility to know the Lord, and I need to be ready and willing to lead others to know Him, because sadly, even today we don't want to invest the time needed to really know the Lord. They still want others to tell them who He is, or more often, what He wants. That is why there are so many false teachers and so many "believers" wandering from the truth. That have no idea what the Lord really wants and they don't know who to believe.