January 10, 2025
Passage Read: Deuteronomy 4-7
Meditation Verses: 7:25-26
Unbelievers make much of collecting and preserving artifacts from foreign cultures, but the believer in God has no business doing so with any object of worship. A foreign people may pour their greatest artistry into their objects of worship, they may cover them with all kinds of precious things, gold, silver, precious gems, but even if they are amazing works of art, God's command is clear: Destroy them, have nothing to do with them, do not bring them into your house. They will ensnare you and bring harm on you and your family. By the very act of ignoring God's command to take up such a detestable object, they have already chosen riches and artwork over God.
No matter how popular or precious a foreign object of worship may be, even if I have no intention of worshiping it, I can and should have nothing to do with it. I don't want it in my house, I don't want it among my possessions. I want nothing to do with it. If nothing else, than merely to honor the Lord and obey His command. But I don't want the spirit behind that object any where near me! And I don't want my children thinking that is OK to have such things around, and they become curious about it and perhaps think that other gods deserve the same recognition as our God, as if there is no true God or every god is equal. That would be cruel to condemn my child to such confusion and destruction.