January 10, 2022
Passage Read: Judges 14-17
Meditation Verse: 17:13
Things are getting worse and worse for Israel. They know their God less and less! So when God chooses to deliver them, He has fewer and fewer godly men to choose from. Samson was a slave to his flesh. And here Micah has no clue who God is. He thinks that God will bless him because he has a Levite as priest, but he's a priest serving a graven image! And he's not even of the house of Aaron. Yet how many people today are just like these Israelites. They think if they have some God things in their possession that God will be pleased with them. But at the same time they hold some God things, they do all kinds of evil without thought! God cannot be pleased by this! They know nothing about Him, and don't care to learn! These are evil days!
I must not be fooled into thinking that by owning some things that God is supposed to like or by going to church from time to time, or any other such things, that God is pleased with me. He is pleased with those who care to know Him, who make the effort to read, study, believe and obey His Word! Anything less, and I'm just fooling myself. If I don't know God, any good He does to me is pure grace...or just dumb luck.