Micah Bemenderfer

December 8, 2023

Passage Read: Exodus 15-18
Meditation Verse: 16:8


It is not good to grumble against leaders or to blame them for our bad circumstances. God hears everything we say, and knows who we're really angry with. God was leading Moses and had led the people out into the wilderness, so any problem they blamed on Moses was a problem they had with God. Moses was just the messenger! But while they thought they were just complaining against Moses, that were really complaining against God. He heard and He was offended.


God is sovereign over all my circumstances, so if I have a complaint about anything, my complaint is with God. I should take it to Him, remembering who He is and treating Him with the honor He deserves. I should take all my requests and concerns to Him, ask for His help or seek to understand what He desires to teach me through my circumstances. All authorities have been established by God, and He directs their hearts like a watercourse. So ultimately, every circumstances I face as a result of any authority is still the hand of God in action. Instead of complaining, I should be asking for help or guidance.