Micah Bemenderfer

December 7, 2023

Passage Read: Exodus 11-14
Meditation Verses: 14:26-27


God commands Moses to stretch out his staff over the sea to part the waters, then again to close the waters on the Egyptians. God didn't need Moses or his staff to do this, but He insisted on doing it through Moses. He didn't open or close the waters without Moses raising his staff over them. In so doing, God exalted Moses in the sight of all the people. God was determined to make Moses look good and powerful, yet Moses was known as the most humble of men. None of these great and powerful deeds ever went to Moses' head. He knew who was doing the miracles, even when God insisted on doing His miracles through Moses.


Moses was a man of great integrity and honesty. He knew himself well, and was never fooled into thinking he was doing any of these great signs and wonders. He knew exactly who was doing them. People might think Moses was some kind of power or magician, but Moses never was. I know myself and so should have an easy time remembering that if anything good happens through me, it is not because of me, but because of the Lord choosing to work through me. I have no power and nothing to commend me before men, so any good that comes from anything I attempt is clearly not from me. There should be no temptation to pride.