Micah Bemenderfer

December 3, 2023

Passage Read: Genesis 49 - Exodus 2
Meditation Verse: Exodus 2:14


God made Moses a prince and judge over the Israelites, but they didn't recognize it. It's interesting that it's not until Moses is gone from Egypt and the king dies that the Israelites cry out for help because of their bondage. When Moses was still in Egypt, things weren't bad enough for the Israelites to see their need. But Moses was a deliverer, even when he showed up in Midian, he delivered Jethro's daughters from the other shepherds who bullied them. Moses was built with a heart to help the weak, though not everyone could see and understand that.


Not everyone will welcome attempts to help them. Sometimes they'll realize they are the bully and reject one who wants to make peace for them. They need longer to realize they are oppressed. They need for things to get worse before they'll humble themselves and accept God's appointed deliverer. It wasn't that Moses did anything wrong, but that his people weren't ready for God to deliver them; things weren't bad enough for them. They weren't yet desperate for deliverance. On Moses' part, he was rejected and almost killed for stepping up on their behalf; he then gave up on them. When the people were finally ready, then Moses needed convincing. Once rebuffed, it can be hard to believe the people you wanted to help are finally ready to receive it. But if God says go, I should believe they are ready.