December 26, 2023
Passage Read: Numbers 12-15
Meditation Verse: 12:2
It is amazing to me how easily we dismiss the Lord and exalt ourselves. There are those who truly know the Lord, because He can be known, yet those who don't know Him well are still willing to step forward and claim authority to represent Him, as if He will not call them out! God is not a tool to be used to claim authority. God is truly alive and aware of all that goes on in the earth. No one can simply claim to know Him, and on that basis, speak authoritatively for God. And just because God speaks once or twice to a person, that doesn't make them an expert on God! But the one who knows God should also act consistently in accordance to His Word and His ways. We should be able to recognize who knows God in truth and who does not, by they're fruit, by their words, by their deeds.
To the degree that a man or woman walks in obedience to God's Word, all of it, to that degree he or she knows and loves God. Someone does not know God or love Him just because he or she claims to, but because he or she does what God's Word commands. Humility and submission to God's Word are the only real indicators of knowing God. No matter how impressive the teaching of a man or woman may be, if he or she is not walking in obedience to the Word of God, I shouldn't be impressed by them. They are not someone I want to emulate.