Micah Bemenderfer

December 25, 2023

Passage Read: Numbers 8-11
Meditation Verses: 11:21-24


Even Moses didn't fully understand the Lord yet. He had doubts about God's ability to provide so much meat for so many people, and said so to God. So God replied, "You will see whether My Word will come true or not." Moses was either afraid for his own sake, that he might be promising something God couldn't fulfill, or else he was afraid for God's reputation, that He might be promising something He couldn't fulfill. So he didn't want to pass the word to the Israelites. But God basically said He'd take responsibility for His promises. And with that challenge, Moses was willing to go and tell the people what the Lord promised.


Even Moses needed assurances before he dared to pass along promises he wasn't sure God could fulfill. And this was after ten plagues and the parting of the Red Sea, and eighty days alone with the Lord on Sinai. Moses needed assurances and encouragement to trust whatever God promised, trust enough to repeat it to others. I shouldn't need my own personal experiences to trust that God means what He says and will do everything He promises. I should have confidence in all He has said, confidence enough to repeat it to others. It's the conclusions I draw on the basis of things recorded but not plainly stated that bid me hesitate. But if the pattern is consistent, I should have the courage to say it. If God doesn't deliver, then I can acknowledge my mistake. But if He does, how much more confidence I'll gain in Him and in my understanding of Him.