December 21, 2023
Passage Read: Leviticus 23-26
Meditation Verses: 26:40-45
The Lord promises ever increasing punishment on the people if they refuse to obey Him and turn away from His statutes. He promised to send punishment, and if that doesn't turn them back in humility to Him and His ways, He will increase their punishment, again and again, until they are driven out of their land and living in fear in the land of their enemies. Yet even then He promises not to forget His covenant with their forefathers. As furious as He becomes with them, as hostile as He treats them, yet He will remember His covenant, that He might not destroy them completely.
It is far better to remain humble and submissive to the Lord, whether I like His commands or not. It is far better to obey Him and listen to His voice, even if I don't agree with His commands. It is a dangerous thing to resist and rebel against Him, for He will discipline me, if He truly loves me. If I prosper in my disobedience, I should be afraid. He may be extending me grace, but if I care less and less about His Word and ways, and still no punishment comes, I should be very afraid, because He doesn't count me as His own. It is best just to be completely humble and teachable, loyal and obedient, then I have nothing to fear.