Micah Bemenderfer

December 20, 2023

Passage Read: Leviticus 19-22
Meditation Verses: 19:16-18


This section of commands speaks of loving a neighbor. We are not allowed to hate a neighbor or plan any evil against him. No vengeance, no slander, no grudge, no character assassination. If he has done wrong or done evil, he surely must be rebuked, but he may not be hated in any way. To love him is to point out his error, but not to plot evil against him or rally others to hate him.


It is not good to overlook the sin of a neighbor. When they do wrong, especially against me, I need to point that out to them. Whether they listen or fail to listen, I cannot hate them and plot evil against them or spread the word of their sin to others so as to gain support against him or get back at him by turning others against him. These are not love for that neighbor. If he refuses to repent of any evil done against me, I can bring my case to the judges or I can leave my cause to the Lord. But I'm not allowed to hate the neighbor, but to desire his repentance so nothing worse may befall him.