Micah Bemenderfer

December 17, 2023

Passage Read: Leviticus 7-10
Meditation Verses: 7:12-18


Not every offering was a direct reminder of sin, not every offering had to do with seeking forgiveness. The peace offering could be for thanksgiving or in response to a vow or just freely given in delight over the Lord. Animals didn't have to be sacrificed only because a person had done wrong, but they could also be offered in gratitude or celebration of the Lord and His goodness. It seems over the course of history, the sacrifices became mainly sacrifices for sin from people who were not even determined to repent. The Lord surely would have been delighted if all the sacrifices were sacrifices of peace from people who truly enjoyed Him and were grateful for His care.


The sacrifice of Jesus shouldn't only be about my forgiveness. I shouldn't abuse it by sinning indiscriminately, but I should hate sin for what it cost God. But I should also recognize that His sacrifice opens the way for me to fellowship with God, that was it's real goal, to bring me near. Sin had to be paid for so that I could enter into fellowship with God. That was His goal. I shouldn't come to Him only because I need forgiveness; I should come even more because He has desired a relationship with me. He is more pleased with those who seek Him because they want to be with Him, than He is with those who are merely concerned with forgiveness.