December 14, 2023
Passage Read: Exodus 35-38
Meditation Verses: 36:5-7
There is a zeal among the people that is commendable, but there is also restraint among those doing the work. Having an accurate understanding of how much material is needed for the work and knowing when you have attained it is also commendable. The workers weren't trying to take advantage of the people, neither was the Lord. They collected only what was needed and a little more. They didn't keep collecting in order to store up an abundance, to accumulate more than was needed, as if for future usage. They only collected what was necessary for the project at hand. If more was needed in the future, a second offering could be collected.
I don't need to store up for possible future need, I don't need to lay aside excess for future use. The Lord can provide what I need at the time I need it. Knowing when to say "Enough" is an expression of faith and self-control. Not knowing is the act of a leech and fire, neither of which are good or commendable in Scripture. I need to have the wisdom to show restraint, especially when it comes to collecting from others.