Micah Bemenderfer

December 1, 2022

Passage Read: Exodus 23-26
Meditation Verses: 23:1-3


God wants justice and righteousness. He does not condone mob justice, but only what is true. He does not condone a poor man's case no matter what, but wants justice. A poor man is not in the right just because he is poor; there is no assumption of mistreatment just because he is poor. God is only interested in justice and truth, which should be one and the same. No one should be denied justice just because popular opinion lines up against them.


This is significant in this day and age of social justice. Social justice is so interested in truth and genuine offenses, but with punishing modern people for ancestral wrongs, which are not determined on a case by case basis, but in broad strokes, pitting one whole group against another. This is mob justice and assuming the poor man is always right. While I shouldn't discount any claims of injustice, neither should I assume all people in the offending class are alike guilty. The poor man is a sinner as much as the one he accuses. The duty of a judge is to determine who is truly at fault; that requires facts and evidence and careful consideration. Anything else, God opposes.