August 9, 2023
Passage Read: John 5-6
Meditation Verse: 5:3
There were a great number of disabled people lying by the pool, yet Jesus singled out one guy who would not believe or honor Him. When confronted by the Pharisees, the man panicked and claimed not to know who Jesus was. When Jesus found him later and warned him not to sin anymore, the man sought out the Pharisees who rebuked him and told them it was Jesus. Because of this, the Pharisees began to persecute Jesus. Of all the people Jesus could have healed at that pool, He chose one who would not appreciate Him or His healing, but instead would be offended when called out for sin.
I don't want to love my own pride more than I love Jesus. I need to be humble when called out and repent when it's true. I don't want to be offended by Jesus and reject Him, even when He says hard things, whether "stop sinning" or "eat My flesh and drink My blood." Both are hard to hear and receive, but there's no one else who knows the Truth.