August 7, 2022
Passage Read: Luke 21-22
Meditation Verses: 22:31-32
Satan asked to sift Peter, and obviously received permission. But Jesus prayed for Him, yet not that he would be delivered from the sifting, but that his faith would survive it. And Jesus' petition was also granted, so He spoke of after the sifting, that he would need to assure the other disciples. Jesus intercedes for us, but not to keep trouble from coming on us, but that our faith would not completely fail in the trial. He doesn't keep us from harm, but prays that our faith endures the trial.
So I shouldn't expect to be kept from hard things, but I can be sure Jesus is praying for me, that my faith will survive the testing. Even now, I have been tested and am being tested pretty strongly, but I can never abandon Jesus. No matter how discouraged people make me, Jesus is still true and real, even if those people are supposed to be believers. I need to pray for their growth and understanding, rather than blame and hate Jesus because people who claim to love Him don't care to know Him in truth.